Koval Bhatia

I am Koval, a director and producer based in India. I have worked on film and video across genres over the past 13 years.

After an undergraduate degree in Economics from SRCC (Delhi University) and a Master’s in Mass Comm from AJKMCRC Jamia, I founded A Little Anarky Films, one of Delhi’s leading production and content studios. Over the years, as head of Anarky, I have hired and worked with over a 100 brilliant creative team members. I ran a performing arts venue and community space called BedlamDelhi from 2016-2020. I am the co-founder of Open Door Docs, an organisation for women in Indian Documentary Film. I have served as a Chair of Jury, mentor and grant reviewer at several film funds and organisations.

My feature documentaries that have received grants and prizes from Sundance Institute, IDFA, HotDocs Canada, SFFILM, Catapult Film Fund, DOK Leipzig and Al Jazeera.

Industry Roles

Mentor: Open Table Program @ Indonesia Docs

Grant Reader: Catapult Film Fund

Grant Reader: Doc Society Climate Fund

Application Reviewer: International Documentary Association

Chair of Jury: IDA Awards


Graduated from Eurodoc 2021, an international lab for documentary producers. 

Bursary Recipient at the World Congress for Science and Factual Producers ‘21 (selected as an Emerging Producer).

Getting Real Fellowship 2022-23 from IDA (International Documentary Association) 

HotDocs Accelerator Lab Fellow (2021)

Film Projects

Producer of Rehearsal For A Funeral, a feature length Konkani narrative film that was selected for NFDC FilmBazaar's WIP.

Director of feature creative documentary currently in early development.

Producer of Against The Tide, awarded the Special Jury Award for the World Cinema Documentary Competition at Sundance Film Festival 2023.

Director and Producer of short doc She Run The World, commissioned by HotDocs and SAP, with premieres at DCEFF and Hot Docs Festival, Canada.


Member, Brown Girl Doc Mafia

Member, Film Fatales

Member, EWA

Member, Open Door Docs India

Reach Out to me if you’re looking for a director, producer, showrunner, or a creative director.

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